architecture. interior design. urban revitalization
Health Science
ReEnvision has extensive background designing for healthcare environments. We understand that designing for the patient experience is imperative for healthcare spaces which strive to improve healing, health and patient satisfaction, however healthcare design as a whole is highly restrictive in terms of codes and regulations, systems, material selections, and function which makes for a unique challenge in balance. Designs must maximize efficiency for staff, so they can provide the highest level of care while reducing infection, wait times, and miscommunication. Design must also allow patients to feel in control of themselves and their situation through the use of effective wayfinding, adding comfortable homelike touches, and creating opportunities for daylighting and natural elements to be introduced into the experience.
As a firm, we understand these complex needs and will work with you to ensure the goals of your facility are met for both staff and patients.
Van Buren County Hospital, Keosauqua, Iowa
Van Buren County Hospital is located in rural community, Keosauqua, Iowa and serves approx. 7,400 county residences. The work below represents work complete for the hospital and their clinics:
Campus Master Planning
Capitol Campaign Marketing Material
Spatial Validation and Square Footage Funding Reports
Interior Finish Master Plan
Wayfinding Implementation
Carpet and Paint Renovation/ Updates
Mammography Clinic Addition / Renovation
Community and Day Center New Building - 30,000 SF
Children's Mercy Hospital, Kansas City, MO
Children's Mercy Hospital purchased a 10 story high rise building in Kansas City, MO to serve as the primary off campus clinic. The project involved a complete building renovation in the form of space planning and design, documents and CA. Below is the work completed for this client, primarily at this location:
Lobby Renovation - 3,000 SF
Radiology Department - 5,000 SF
Pharmacy and Lab Department - 10,000 SF
Public Break Room / Vending Area - 1,000 SF
Endocrine Clinical and Offices - 20,000 SF
Allergy Clinic and Offices - 20,000 SF
Ophthalmology Clinic and Offices - 20,000 SF
Children's Mercy North - Hearing and Speech Clinic - 6,000 SF
Children's Mercy Hospital - Pershing Offices - 40,000 SF
Ronald McDonald House - Basement Renovation - 1,200 SF
Mammography Clinic
Mammography Clinic
Acute Care Wing- Carpet Wayfinding
Mammography Clinic
Senior Living
Garden's at Jackson Creek, Independent Living Community, Independence, MO
Santa Marta Catholic Retirement Community, Olathe, KS
Assisted Living Addition
Memory Support Renovation
Skilled Nursing Addition and Renovation
Physical Therapy Addition
Santa Marta- Memory Support Dining
Santa Marta- Skilled Nursing Dining Room
Santa Marta- Skilled Nursing Chapel
Santa Marta- Memory Support Dining
*Photos Courtesy of WSKF Architects.
*All work listed performed at WSKF Architects
*All work listed performed at WSKF Architects
Home Health Building
Home Health Building
Home Health Building
Home Health Building
Greenwood County Hospital, Eureka, KS
Greenwood County Hospital is a critical access hospital providing service to Greenwood and Elk Counties in rural Kansas. The hospital is a approx. 48,000 SF with 16 patient beds. Work with the hospital is ongoing. Below is a list of completed and ongoing projects
Home Health B uilding
Hospital Landscaping, Signage and Wayfinding
Family Room Renovation & Furniture Procurement
Patient Room Renovation & Furniture Procurement
Master Interior Finish Plan
Mechanicl and Building Evaluation
*All work listed performed at WSKF Architects
*Renderings Courtesy of WSKF Architects.